can dogs drink coconut water?

Can Dogs Drink Coconut Water?

Loads of dog owners know tossing fresh snacks like broccoli nibs, carrot sticks, or pumpkin chunks into their fur baby’s bowl can really jazz up their meals. But what about the wet stuff? Sure, goat’s milk is a homerun for keeping their tummy happy and swelling down, but ever wonder about coconut water? We drink coconut water and feel like superheroes, but does it work magic for your doggo’s health too when you mix it in their chow? Is it a thumbs up or a big no-no for them? Time to dive in and see.

Can Dogs Drink Coconut Water Everyday

can dogs drink coconut water everyday
Images from Unsplash

Your dogs can drink coconut water but in small amounts. Whether or not they should is another story because it depends on how they tolerate it. However, there is no substitute for water and your dog should not drink coconut water instead of that.

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes! Dogs can eat coconut meat, but not too much. While it’s like coconut water and non-toxic, it shouldn’t be a staple in your dog’s diet. Depending on your pooch’s gastrointestinal issues, the medium-chain triglycerides within could cause bloating and stomach upset.

How much coconut water should I give my dog?

Not too much. Too much coconut water can upset your dog’s stomach. Whenever you’re introducing something new to your dog’s diet, always do so in small amounts. Dog owners can dry just a few drops into regular water or mix it in with dog food. If you notice loose stools, cramping, or bloating, then it’s a sign that your dog can’t tolerate coconut water.

Coconut water should never replace fresh water regardless of the health benefits. Do not exceed a few ounces of coconut water if you plan on giving your dog some every day.

Can Dogs Drink Coconut Milk?

can dogs drink coconut milk
Images from Unsplash

Coconut comes in many forms, and one of them is coconut milk. Is it safe to introduce coconut milk to your dog’s diet? Yes! Coconut milk is also safe for your dog to consume, but it’s also important to make sure to regulate the amount. Like with coconut water, dogs shouldn’t have too much coconut milk. Start by just adding a few drops or a gram of coconut milk to your dog’s food and see how he does.

Can Dogs Eat Coconut Oil?

dog can eat coconut oil
Images from Unsplash

Another coconut product is coconut oil. Dog owners can assume that coconut in general, is safe for dogs, as is many of its products and coconut oil is one of them. Too much of a good thing can have adverse reactions such as an upset stomach and diarrhea for your dog, so add coconut oil in moderation.

You can choose to introduce it to your dog’s diet and coat the kibble with it, or you can even give it to your dog by the spoonful (but not too much!).

Can Epileptic Dogs Drink Coconut Water

epileptic dog drinks coconut water
Photo by Jordan Davis on Unsplash

Yes! Epileptic dogs can drink coconut water. However, coconut oil seems to be a preferred choice for dogs who suffer from epilepsy. A study shows that epileptic dogs who have coconut oil daily with their food will have reduced episodes. A small number of dogs within that study have even become seizure-free!

Coconut water, meat, oil, etc. triggers ketone production in your dog, which is what prompts scientists right now to believe that that is the cure to seizures. However, more studies need to be made before scientists can reach a conclusive result. Just know this for now – natural coconut water, coconut meat, coconut oil and milk have great health benefits. You can even keep some at home for yourself as it has proven to be very healthy for us too.

How to Safely Feed Your Dog Coconut?

how to safely feed your dog coconut
Images from Unsplash

If you’re just starting to introduce coconut into your dog’s meals, there are a variety of ways you can do this, and it also depends on the product.

Coconut meat

If you’re feeding coconut meat, you can buy it raw and fresh or in a dried, dehydrated form. Make sure to find natural coconut and not the sweetened type used for baking. You can feed both forms of coconut to your dog but do so in moderation because of the medium-chain triglycerides.

Coconut meat is also packed with calories, so you don’t want to overfeed your dog and cause weight gain. When feeding coconut, you should also account for the added calories when you’re giving your dog food.

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Coconut milk, water, oil

When feeding a more liquid form of coconut, you can do it by adding it to your dog’s drink, or food, or feeding it to him by a spoonful. It shouldn’t be too much, about a few grams a day (rule of thumb: a tablespoon per 30 pounds). For water or milk, freeze them to make coconut water ice cubes. Each cube should be the right amount per day.

Other creative ways to give your dog coconut are:

  • Coconut water, milk, or oil popsicles
  • Bake it in dog-friendly biscuits
  • Add it in yummy dog smoothies

Coconut oil is a very versatile product. Not only is it safe for your dog to ingest, but it can also be used to keep your dog’s coat moisturized and glossy, and as a paw protector and lubricant.

No matter how you’re feeding your dog coconut, remember to keep an eye out for an allergic reaction, diarrhea, bloat, or an upset stomach.

Benefits of Coconut for Dogs

benefits of coconut for dogs
Images from Unsplash

What sort of benefits does coconut have on dogs? We mentioned that drinking coconut water and eating coconut is good, but what does it really do?

Lowers inflammation

Coconut water is great for humans to decrease inflammation, and it turns out that it has the same effects on dogs. This is all thanks to lauric acid. Lauric acid is great for keeping flu viruses at bay, reduces swelling, and also works to help curb infections.

The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut water can also speed up healing. Cuts will heal faster, hot spots would resolve more quickly, and dogs who suffer from aching joints and dysplasia will feel relief.

Try not to give coconut to your dog directly from the shell because he could choke on the pieces; it could splinter or cause intestinal blockage.

Boosts immune system

Antioxidants are known to boost the immune system in humans as well as dogs and coconut water, milk and oil are full of them. A stronger immune system makes your dog more resistant to viruses and illnesses, or at least he will recover faster. Other than preventative measures, coconut water and coconut, in general, are great healing aids.

Great for skin and coats

Fish oil can be a great benefit to your dog’s skin and coat, but did you know that coconut water and other forms of coconut have the same effects? Dogs with a skin allergic reaction can greatly benefit from coconut. Even if your dog doesn’t have skin issues, coconut water and oil are a great way to give that extra layer of protection.

As we said, coconut oil is a great natural lubricant and can give cracked paws some relief. Hot spots on the skin or itchy spots can also heal faster with coconut.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much coconut water can a dog have?

Dogs can have some coconut water every day, but we do not recommend exceeding a few grams. We suggest not going over a tablespoon if you are feeding your dog coconut in other forms such as coconut oil or meat. Introduce the new element slowly into your dog’s food to avoid complications.

Is coconut harmful to dogs?

No, coconut is not harmful to dogs, but having it in excess could. We recommend introducing it slowly into your dog’s meals, monitoring your dog for adverse effects, and only giving more if your dog can handle it. Too much coconut could cause bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea.

What happens if a dog eats coconuts?

Coconuts can boost your dog’s immune system, reduce inflammation, and is great for skin and coats. It’s important to make sure you don’t give your dog too much because it could cause cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and bloat.


Coconut is a great supplement for where your dog’s food falls short. While there are plenty of health benefits, there are also risks to feeding too much of a good thing. Side effects of too much coconut could be weight gain and stomach issues. When searching for the perfect coconut milk or water, make sure that there is no added sugar.

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