blue nose vs red nose pitbull

Blue Nose vs Red Nose Pitbull

Pit bulls often get a bum deal because of how movies and bad history paint them. But trust me, these cuddly pals could win the “most huggable” contest, even though their chompers and muscles mean serious business. Specifically, the American pit bull terrier packs a lot of muscle into its medium build, along with enough pep to run circles around most.

Although there are many types of pit bulls, they are all under the umbrella term of the American pit bull terrier breed. One of the most common distinctions between the breeds is the color of their noses. There are red nose and blue nose pitbulls. Other than the color variation, what other differences are there between the red nose and blue nose pit bulls?

An Overview of Blue Nose and Red Nose Pit Bulls

blue nose and red nose pit bulls
Image from Pexels

Let’s get to know the breed a bit better first. You might not realize it, but pit bulls are part of the terrier breeds. That’s right, terriers aren’t only small, fast and agile little canines, but American pit bull terriers account for part of this breed. Also, this might take you by surprise, but the term pit bull is not a breed classification. They are not a separate breed, in fact, it’s a term that not only encompasses American pit bull terriers, it also accounts for the American Staffordshire terrier, and Staffordshire bull terrier.

Some people and breeders might also argue that blue noses and red nose pit bulls are two different breeds, but by UKC (United Kennel Club) standards, they are both of the same American pit bull terriers breed – just with different coloration but not a separate breed

Pit bull terriers were originally bred for hunting and carrying out other working dog tasks. This isn’t surprising considering their muscular build and incredible agility. There is no debating the strength and fierceness this breed can exude, but they are loveable and affectionate dogs at their core. It’s unfortunate humans have taken advantage of their sweet nature and bred them for dog fights. It’s crucial for pet owners and dog lovers alike to look past this ill-gotten reputation and see these loveable pups for who they are.

Why is there a difference in nose color? First of all, pit bulls have acquired different coloring throughout years of breeding. They can end up with blue noses or red noses, but neither should deem the rarity of the breed. It also doesn’t make sense for breeders to deep one better than the other and raise their prices on the color of their noses alone.

A blue nose pitbull is usually a product of black pit bulls or a cross breeding of black and red lines. Most blue nosed pit bulls will have a coat in a similar shade of bluish grey with their eyes in a similar light color scheme. You might also see patches of white intertwined in the grey coloring.

As for a red nose pitbull, their coloring is not due to breeding but stems from a particular red nose breed that originates from Ireland. Red nose pit bulls will have reddish brown coats, sometimes patches of white, and light brown eyes.

Of course, other color variations of red nose and blue nose pit bulls also exist. You can view them as warm colored pit bulls and cool colored pit bulls. Now let’s take a closer look at each type of pit bull breed to understand the differences and hopefully help you choose the right fur baby for you.

Blue Nose Pit Bulls

blue nose pit bulls
Image by Ildar Sagdejev via

The blue nose pit bull, also often referred to as just blue pit bulls, have blue noses. That’s quite straightforward and easy to understand. As said, blue nosed pit bulls have grey, blue or greyish blue coats. This is the result of a dilution of black coats, as we mentioned is where they get the color from. The dilution happens through breeding, when a black-coated pit bull breeds with red lines or their parents carry the dilution gene, which is a recessive gene.

One thing we will remind you of is blue nose pitbulls can come from regular breeding, but there are a lot of inhuman and unethical breeders out there that may breed their pit bulls to obtain this color. Such a breeder will engage in inbreeding, which could affect the health of your dog and bring forth genetic disorders.

Both blue noses and red nose pit bulls experience much of the same health and genetic issues including cataracts and joint and heart problems. Similar to humans with less skin pigments, the blue nose pit bulls are also prone to more skin ailments, which is among the only difference between the two.

The color of the nose shouldn’t impact the price of the pit bull, but as you know, when there is more demand, the prices can skyrocket. Depending on where you live and what the preferences are, either the red or blue nose pit bulls can demand a higher price tag. One thing is for sure, if the breeder claims their pit bulls originate from the old Irish line of red nose pit bulls, then you can also expect a higher cost.

Keep in mind that blue nose pit bulls are not rare. Just because you may see less of them walking around, it does not mean they are from some ancient and sacred lineage. Don’t be fooled if a breeder takes advantage of the difference in nose color.

Also, it’s important to understand that blue nose pit bulls are also not a result of pure breeding. In fact, they can have a greater risk of inbreeding or cross breeding to dilute the bloodline. Some people and breeders will breed for a blue nose pit bull by cross breeding with Staffordshire terriers to achieve the results.

Red Nose Pit Bulls

red nose pit bulls
Image by Nacasma via

That’s enough blues for now, let’s take a look at red nose pit bulls. There is nothing different between a blue nose pit bull and a red nose pit bull. They are the same breed with different coloring. The color of the nose also depends on the shade of coat your pitbull has. If it has a cold bluish grey coat, it’s less likey he will possess a blue nose. Just like for red nose pit bulls, they are not different dog breeds but just have a different nose color that is associated with their warmer coloring.

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To say that red nose or blue nose pitbulls are different breeds, which many people are led to think, is like saying your husky is a different breed due to the color of his eyes. Like we mentioned before, the old family of Irish pitbulls back in the day were most likely inbred, but they were very adept at what they do. They excelled in the pit and when they performed working tasks. These dogs were bred for their temperament and abilities rather than the coloring.

Knowing this, you will less likely be fooled when an unethical breeder mentions the gorgeous coloring of the red nose pit bull that comes from the old Irish family. In fact, the red color and the red nose were a side effect due to the close genetics of the pit bulls.

Red nose pit bulls are no better than the blue noses, and suffer from the same health issues except maybe the sensitive skin. Just because they have a red nose and a warm coat color, it doesn’t automatically mean the dog is from the old family red noses, so do your due diligence before purchasing!

One other thing we will caution is the term pit bull and how it’s classified is still a hot debate in the dog-loving community and answers will vary depending on who you ask. Most would believe that the term pit bull is not a breed but an encompassing term. However, there are more specific breeds within this generic term.

We also acknowledge that regardless of red noses or blue nose pit bulls, this term has many dogs at a disadvantage. This is because there are many cities that ban the breed, which poses a serious issue for a rescuer and a shelter since there isn’t a unanimous decision on what the term means.

FAQs About Blue Nose and Red Nose Pit Bulls

With so many stipulations, we’re sure you must have a ton of questions to ask us. We have compiled some of the most common questions people have on both the red nose pit bull and blue nose pit bull and have tried our best to answer them.

Are Red Nose Pitbulls More Aggressive Than Blue Nose?

are red nose pitbulls more aggressive than blue nose
Image by Lucie from Pixabay

In short, no. Red nose pit bulls are not more aggressive than blue nose pit bulls. The color of their noses does not distinguish their temperaments. Unfortunately, pit bulls are a banned breed in many places, like the UK. This can be attributed to what they were bred to do and the fierceness and strength of the breed.

But like most dog breeds, the coat color, eye color, size, and appearance don’t have much of an influence over the temperament. In fact, the personality characteristics of your dog greatly hinges on the breeding and the dog himself. For example, a dog that has been abused, starved, and mistreated will be much more likely to be distrustful and maybe even aggressive. This isn’t due to the dog per se but more a reflection on the owners.

To sum up again, no, the red nosed pitbull are not more aggressive than blue nose. Actually, it can even be said that pit bulls are not more aggressive than other breeds in general. Yes, they are a fighting dog breed, but our view of these sweet canines has been colored in a negative light thanks to media portrayal and breeding history. They are not used as fighting dogs today, only cuddle buddies that can show as much love as any other breed.

How Can I Make Sure My Red Nosed or Blue Nosed Pit Bull is Not Aggressive?

pit bull watching
Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

Continuing on from the previous topic, is there a way to guarantee your red nosed pitbull or blue nosed is not aggressive? Of course, there is! With enough patience, training, and socialization, almost any puppy can grow up to be well-rounded adults.

Not to dive too much into puppy training, we will give you a condensed list of actions to take to ensure your red noses or blue nose pit bull terrier will develop into loving family dogs.

+ Socialization

Proper socialization and exposure to new things as a puppy are one of the most pressing factors when raising your pit bull. All the experiences your red nosed pit bulls go through in his early years will form who he is. This is the same with any dog breed. Make sure to take your pit bull on plenty of dog dates and let him get acquainted with dogs of a different breed, size and temperament.

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Taking him to new places, letting him experience the sand between his toes and what rough rocks feel like through arduous climbs will also shape pit bulls into wholesome family dogs. Remember that with socialization, you may encounter uneducated dog owners or those who are tentative to let their puppies play with your red nosed or blue nosed pitbull terrier.

We understand that this could invoke annoyance on your part, but view this as an opportunity to educate your fellow dog lover and hopefully correct their views on what is a very loving dog breed.

+ Training

Whether you have a red nosed to blue nosed pitbull, adequate early training is necessary. Two types of training you are looking at first thing is crate training and potty training. Crate training will give you peace of mind when you leave the house or go to bed at night. Knowing that your loveable pit bull is safely in his “room” will bring you unbelievable peace.

Also, not having to clean up after your red nose pit bull or blue nose pit bull terrier will maintain your sanity. There is nothing worse than having to follow your dog around and wipe up after him 24/7. Potty training, whether you use a pee pad or solely take your pit bull outdoors to do his business will keep your house clean.

No matter what you are trying to teach your pit bull, always come at it with a ton of patience, a lot of cheer and praise, and handfuls of treats for positive reinforcement.

Are Red Nose or Blue Nose Pit Bulls Rare?

rare red nose and blue nose pit bulls
Photo by Mathew Janzen on Unsplash

No, there isn’t a red nosed or blue nosed pit bull that’s rarer than the other. The only difference between the two is the coat color and nose color. However, the shade of pigment should not be an indicator of how rare the dog is. Many dog owners may be fooled by breeders, but we will say that perhaps certain color combinations are rare for this dog, but it isn’t based solely on the nose color alone.

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The old family red nose bloodline may be harder to obtain, but dogs from the old family line may be prone to genetic disorders.

How Do I Know if I Have a Red Nose or Blue Nose Pit Bull?

blue nose pit bull
Image by Own work via

You may think the answer to this question is a simple one, but with so many color variations and with something as unpredictable as genetics, we thought we’d clarify things in this section. Take a look at your dog’s nose and examine the color. A red nose pit bull doesn’t always have a red shade on his nose. It can range from red, to reddish pink or reddish brown. Basically, if the nose is a warm color, you have a red nose pit bull.

On the flipside, a blue nose pit bull won’t always have a very distinguishable shade of blue. If you have a greyish or even light black nosed pit bull terrier, then he would be classified as a blue nose.

Is Red Nose a Bloodline?

red nose pit bull
Photo by Alejandro Contreras on Unsplash

What some people say is all red nose pit bulls are from the old family red nose bloodline. However, that remains to be seen. The family lineage could be very diluted by now, so be wary when a breeder wants to charge extra because the dog is from the old family red nose bloodline without the papers and evidence to back it up. Also, be aware that the red nosed pit bull old family in Ireland is also a result of inbreeding.

They bred for temperament and gameness and not for looks. The red noses are just a result of close relations and appearances of the red nosed pit bulls.


The bottom line is, there isn’t a difference between the two red nose pit bull and blue nose pit bull in terms of rarity or temperament. The price might vary depending on demand and preference, for the red nosed pit bull terrier or the blue nose. However, one thing we can guarantee is this breed is not naturally aggressive. Yes, they were bred to undertake certain tasks that may require aggression, but this was simply due to the physicalities of the breed.

One thing we will say is the blue nose pitbulls are more prone to skin issues. If you are looking to add a pit bull terrier to your home, don’t let the blue noses or red noses throw you off. They are not a different breed and have a bad rap because they were originally used as fighting dogs. Potential dog owners can look in shelters first as they are one of the most common breeds found in rescues due to common misconceptions.

Did You Know?

Look into the breeder before you adopt a puppy. You may be unlucky and tricked into getting a blue nose or red nose pitbull with aggression bred into him.

Expert Tip

Breeding from a smaller gene pool leads to genetic disorders and this is more prevalent in the red nose pit bull community due to the old family line.

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